“Gringa, gringa,” shrieked the little boy as I peddled through the dust-covered Guatemalan countryside. While coasting down the town’s main drag, I heard, and then noticed a pair of mother-son onlookers. Mounted on his mom’s hip with legs tightly fastened, outstretched the little boy’s arm and index finger, as I approached. “Gringa, gringa” he bellowed, this time in his playground voice. While the mother thrust her son’s arm down and admonished him with a stern “no,” I suddenly realized how others may perceive me; at that moment, I was not Tracey the individual, but rather Tracey, the American. This encounter, though brief, opened my eyes and exposed me to a perspective previously unbeknownst to me.
It’s experiences like these that motivated me to make International Citizen a reality. Growing up I traveled abroad with my mother who encouraged me to explore the unfamiliar. The opportunity to travel combined with my mother’s push to explore my surroundings helped me to broaden my thinking; those ventures, including my bike ride through
I hope International Citizen ignites in students a desire to explore the unfamiliar, seek out new experiences and broaden their horizons. My hope is for them to become global citizens and leaders, passing on their learning to future generations.
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